Different Types Of Residential Pipe Buildups

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grease and oil buildup inside pipes

Regular drain cleaning in Harrisonburg, VA is effective in maintaining your home’s plumbing system. It keeps water flow efficient and prevents major blockages. Despite mindful use, it is still possible to get various types of pipe buildups. They can cause significant issues if they are not addressed right away.

Grease and Fat Buildups

One of the most common types of pipe buildups is grease and fat. When cooking oils, fats, and grease go into the sink, they coat and solidify in the pipes, leading to a clogged drain. No matter how minimal, over time, these substances accumulate and create substantial blockages. Professional drain cleaning services such as hydro jetting strip them from the inner pipes and wash them away.

Food Particles

Kitchen sinks are particularly vulnerable to clogs from food particles. Despite using a garbage disposal, small food particles can still accumulate in the pipes, creating blockages. They can also combine with grease and oil and form stubborn clogs. Ensuring food waste is properly disposed of and using drain cleaning services prevent these buildups. Routine maintenance is essential to keep your kitchen plumbing in good working order.

Hair and Soap Scum Buildups

Another frequent culprit of pipe blockages is hair, especially in bathroom drains. They combine with soap scum and other debris, forming tough clogs that impede water flow. To prevent this buildup, consider using drain covers to catch hair before it enters the pipes. Professional drain cleaning services such as drain snaking are effective in clearing them out.

Mineral Deposits

Hard water mineral deposits accumulate inside pipes. These deposits are often calcium and magnesium. They reduce the diameter of the pipes, leading to a clogged drain. They significantly affect the efficiency of your plumbing system and even cause long-term damage. Regular drain cleaning services mitigate their effects, keeping your pipes clear and free-flowing. For serious cases of hard water, you may want to look into installing water filter systems.

Call Speedy Rooter Plumbing to remove these nasty blockages and for preventive maintenance. Our professional services will help prevent backups, pipe damage, and stressful inconveniences.

Contact Us Today

When in need of basic and emergency plumbing services, call Speedy Rooter Plumbing. We are the team that you can trust for services from a reliable plumber in Charlottesville, VA, and nearby areas. We have a committed team of well-trained professionals waiting to address your needs. Call us today or fill out the form on this site to schedule your appointment.
