With winter on the horizon, and cooler temperatures to follow, the last thing you need is a pipe repair. Depending on exactly where you live and how cold it gets, frost will go down into the ground. Although your sewer lines are deep enough not to be affected by frost, should there be the need for a repair, frost in the ground will slow down a normal dig and replace sewer repair. At Speedy Rooter we use trenchless technologies for all of our sewer repairs. This means we do not need to dig and remove your pipes for inspection or repair.
How Do We Inspect Underground Pipes?
With trenchless technology we do a lot to prevent disturbing the ground and your landscaping but we still need to get inside your sewer line to see what is happening. We do this by digging one or two smaller holes down to the pipe connections.
Once we can access the pipe connections we insert a small video camera. The video camera sends us pictures, actually live video, from inside your sewer pipe. It allows us to get a good, up close look at the inside of the pipe. With this view we can properly diagnose any problem we find.
Why Would You Have A Pipe Inspection?
Because winter is unpredictable, it is important to get ahead of the game with a pipe inspection. There may be nothing wrong whatsoever with the condition of your sewer pipes, but you won’t know that without an inspection.
Plus, if there is a problem with your pipes that is just in the early stages of development, our pipe inspection service will give you advance warning of a potential bigger problem further down the road. This way you can prepare and have a repair scheduled sooner than later. Having a repair after a pipe has cracked or caved in will be more costly than the preventative maintenance and peace of mind that can come from a pipe inspection.
Should I Schedule A Pipe Inspection Anyway?
Why not? The funny thing about underground pipes is that they typically get ignored until a problem develops. That’s because we don’t see them daily and eventually take them for granted. But when a drain clogs or a tub drains too slowly we start to pay a little more attention to the plumbing in our house. Sadly, by that time it is too late to do anything other than schedule a repair and deal with the consequences.
For More Information
For more information on adding a pipe inspection service to your home winterizing program, give us a call. You prepare your home for the cooler weather anyway so why wouldn’t you take the opportunity to make sure the pipes outside that service your home are also working to their peak performance? You can reach us at Speedy Rooter via email or by calling our office direct at 434-218-7776. Ask for pipe inspection services and we will be happy to send a crew to your home.
Contact Us Today
When in need of basic and emergency plumbing services, call Speedy Rooter Plumbing. We are the team that you can trust for services from a reliable plumber in Charlottesville, VA, and nearby areas. We have a committed team of well-trained professionals waiting to address your needs. Call us today or fill out the form on this site to schedule your appointment.